Company Profile for Agriculture Company

by Demi

Looking for a  company profile for an agriculture company for your new or existing enterprise in Nigeria?

Read on and download at the end….

company profile nigeria


The company profile of an agriculture trading company should be well-written and showcasing the agricultural products or services of the company is a crucial component of its success. This type of business requires guaranteed quality, and having a good reputation is key to increasing agricultural yields. A well-written company profile should be memorable so that people who see it will have a clear understanding of the products or services presented. This is important as people who are in need of agricultural products will use the company profile to find them.

An agricultural trading company provides a variety of services, including sales, procurement, processing, logistics, and storage. Some of its services include a wide range of agricultural inputs, seeds, and pest control products. In addition, it sells protective apparel, plastics, presses, and treadle pumps.

Agriculture is an important part of global economies. Food grown on farms feeds billions of people. Nearly one-third of the world’s population depends on agriculture. About 570 million farms provide employment for 900 million people. In Africa alone, agriculture provides livelihood for 53 percent of the population. This means that the agricultural industry is essential to the future of the continent.

The current market environment is challenging for agricultural commodity traders. With a combination of advances in technology infrastructure and increased competition, agricultural traders have to keep up with changing conditions.

Examples of Agricultural Trading Business Profile

An agricultural company profile should include relevant information about its products and services, as well as the quality and reputation of the agricultural company. Creating an agricultural company profile that is memorable for the audience is important. This will draw attention from people who are looking for agricultural products or services. Moreover, the agricultural company profile should include visuals to attract attention. This is because human beings are visual beings and they judge things by their appearance.

Green Pelangi is an agricultural company that provides quality rice seeds and other agricultural tools. There are countless examples of agricultural company profiles on the Internet, but each one has its own distinctive characteristics. Using the services offered today, you can create your own company profile and include relevant information for your agro business.

Agribusinesses can also plant crops to produce fuel. Currently, fossil fuels are in short supply and their prices are rising. Ethanol alcohol can be produced from corn, sugar, and potato. The agriculture sector contributes approximately four percent to the global economy, and it can be as much as 25% in some developing nations.

Agricultural companies often have a wide range of services and products. For example, some focus on marketing the sale of plant materials, while others research sustainable ways to grow and harvest crops. These professional services play important roles in sustaining the agricultural sector. New technologies are also helping to use plant materials to their full potential.

The most well-known type of agricultural company is a food grower. This type of company plants a wide range of crops to supply livestock. Nearly every living thing depends on food growers. Other types include those that provide grains for livestock. These companies can be categorized by size and type, and some even produce a variety of crops at the same time.


1.0. Rabya Trading & Agriculture LLC

Rabya Trading & Agriculture LLC is a company that provides special trade contracting services to customers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The company was founded in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and is based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The company has approximately 501 to 1,000 employees and makes between $100 million and $250 million in annual revenue.

Rabya specializes in landscaping services and manufactures hardscape materials in its factory. The company has annual revenues of more than $30 million and employs over 2200 multi-national employees. It has completed over 400 private and formal projects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It has also achieved the first ranking in Saudi Arabia for landscape contractors. In addition to providing landscape services, Rabya has trading divisions, nursery production, and garden centers.

2.0. Export Trading Group

Export Trading Group (ETG) is a multinational conglomerate specializing in agriculture trading. Its services include the procurement, processing, warehousing, transportation, and merchandising of agricultural commodities. Its main focus is maize, wheat, and other grains. It also has operations in sugar, coffee, tea, and fertilizer.

ETG connects African farmers to global markets. Most of its commodities are purchased from smallholder farmers and processed in local facilities. The rest is sold raw in regional markets. In addition, ETG supports farmers with training initiatives and access to essential supplies to improve their farming skills and maximize their yields. This approach results in increased farm earnings for both farmers and ETG.

ETG is headquartered in Kenya and is one of the largest agricultural companies in Africa. It is also one of the few African traders that can compete with international companies. The company ships about 7 million tons of agricultural products every year. The company has a strong presence in Eastern and Southern Africa and employs around 6,800 people. It sources from tens of thousands of smallholder farmers in these regions and produces agricultural products for both domestic and international markets. It also develops products with higher added value and mass-market consumer goods through its subsidiary Vamara.


How To Download The Full Agriculture Company Profile Template 

 If you need the complete agriculture trading company profile sample, follow the procedures to download it.

Pay the sum of N5000 (Five thousand naira only) to the account detail below:
Bank: GTBank
Name: Oyewole Abidemi (I am putting my name and not our company account so you know we are real people and you can trust us)
Ac/No: 0238933625
Type: Saving

Thereafter, send us your email address through text message to +234 701 754 2853The text must contain the title of the agriculture trading business profile template you want and also your email address. Immediately after the confirmation of your payment, we will send the agriculture trading company profile sample in Nigeria to your email address where you can easily download it.

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Aliyu November 7, 2023 - 10:06 am

I’m interested

Demi November 8, 2023 - 12:27 pm

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