Download Chin Chin Business Plan in Nigeria with Financials

by Demi

Looking for a solid Chin Chin business plan for your new or existing enterprise?

Download this Chin Chin business plan, which you can download to present to NIRSAL, BOI, BOA, and other investors.

Read on….


Chin-chin is a snack widely enjoyed in many parts of the country, it is a ready-to-eat food and despite the number of producers of this food, it has a relatively huge consumption rate, an evergreen fast food which works the cash magic all the time for investors willing to bank on it.

Krunch ‘n’ Munch is a snacks factory involved in the production of a range of flavored chin-chin made from curated and finely sourced ingredients, it is sure to register a good taste on taste buds and also providing nutrients, all and sundry can expect the best from our range of flavored chin-chin.

Our absolutely nutritious and tasty chin-chin flavored with milk, coconut milk, chocolate, and other natural flavors

Our Chin-chin is well nourished with rich flavors, milky, coconut milk, and other natural additives. Our customer service is of excellence, making sure we always satisfy their tasty need.

Our products undergo scrutinized processing and packaging as stated and expected by the Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON).

The benefits of our products and services are;

  • Readily available products through efficient distribution channels
  • Neatly packaged products
  • High quality and nutritious products
  • Consistent and large production capacity to meet the increasing demand for our products
  • Impeccable customer care services
  • Fair prices and variety of sizes to allow dynamicity in the purchase as affected by affordability


The objective for Krunch ‘n’ Munch Chin-chin Business Plan in Nigeria

The objectives set for the performance of our products and company overall are stated below;

  • Huge production capacity that meets the demands of the teeming population
  • To break even by the first year of production and possibly achieve double our ROI by the end of the second year
  • To provide quality sales service and products at affordable prices.

Our Goal for Krunch ‘n’ Munch Chin-chin

The goal set for the company are stated below;

  • To reach our objectives yearly
  • To make our chin-chin absolutely irresistible in taste, packaging, reach, supply and pricing

1.2. Mission for Krunch ‘n’ Munch Chin-chin

The company will have a mission from the inception so it has purpose and reason to stick to and never get complacent when it reaches even the highest of heights and they are stated below;

  • To provide high quality, nutritional, and tastefully nourishing flavored Chin-chin.
  • To make our chin-chin a signature taste with a unique trademark formula disclosed to a close group of trustees.

The business will thrive and grow with the following skills in the staffs and managers:

  • Educational skill
  • Marketing skill
  • Practical experience in the food snacks production business
  • Capacity to consistently provide high quality, nutritional, and flavorful chin-chin all year round
  • Valuable food processing skills that give us an imperial share in the value chain to a good extent.

1.3. Materials and Machine for Krunch ‘n’ Munch Chin-chin

The process of production can only start when equipment and raw materials are in place, the materials and machines needed for the production of our unique and flavored chin-chin are as follows;

  • Factory Location
  • Opening stock of ingredient and consumables
  • Packaging machine
  • Industrial gas burner
  • Industrial deep fryers
  • Industrial flour mixer
  • Industrial dough cutter
  • Flavors
  • Groundnut oils
  • Water treatment devices
  • Delivery Vans
  • Food trucks
  • Business office building

1.4. Competitor Analysis for Krunch ‘n’ Munch Chin-chin

The competition in this industry is huge and immense, despite the huge number of consumers, it’s still possible for a single producer to have a lion’s share of the population of a particular area or demographic if some reasons are handled nonchalantly and are not put into consideration, hence a competitor analysis has to be carried out. People will buy from us and prefer our products because of the following reasons:

  • Fresh and highly hygienic and well-packaged chin-chin
  • Fair and best possible prices and discount offers
  • High quality, nutritional, and flavorful products
  • Different variety of quality and nourishing chin-chin
  • Impeccable customer care services

How To Download The Chin Chin Bank Business Plan Template

Above is a part of the chin chin bank business plan template in Nigeria. If you want the complete business plan with the full financial plan, calculations, and more, follow the procedures to download it. 

Pay the sum of N8000 (Eight thousand naira only)  to the account detail below:
Bank: GTBank
Name: Oyewole Abidemi (I am putting my name and not our company account so you know we are real people and you can trust us)
Ac/No: 0238933625
Type: Saving

Thereafter, send us your email address through text message to +234 701 754 2853The text must contain the title of the business plan you want and also your email address. Immediately after the confirmation of your payment, we will send the chin chin bank business plan template in Nigeria to your email address where you can easily download it.

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