by Demi

Looking for a cold room business plan for your new or existing enterprise in Nigeria or anywhere globally?

Download this cold room business plan template which you can download to present to NIRSAL, BOI, BOA, and other investors.

Read on….

Most foods are perishable, they require cold storage to prevent their spoilage, especially meats and seafood like chicken, meat, fish, turkey just to mention a few. This has allowed for this business to be very profitable in this part of the country and is not readily available due to the bad power supply in the country making it necessary but not abundant; hence the demand is higher than the supply.

Prior to starting this business, draw up a business plan to help you navigate a profitable course in terms of your business.


1.0. Industry Overview

The business is a chip of the whole block of the Refrigerated Storage Industry, meaning sharks in this industry offers other temperature-controlled services (refrigerated warehousing, storage facilities) which may include freezing with blasts and other processes asides food preservation which the cold room is sought for, especially in this part of the country.

The industry saw a surge in the rate at which investors were coming in due to the ban of poultry food importation into the country. And the industry is still very unsaturated even if it is just a chunk of another industry because asides from meat preservation, fish and dairy products preservation are services that can be provided by this industry and also ice block production.

The sizes of the cold room may vary depending on the scale of the business, asides from capital; the market the cold room intends to cater for will also determine its scale. A large-scale cold room will seek to offer its services to wholesalers, it will need to include packaging and importation of the items it will be preserving for wholesale in its bid. A small-scale cold room on the other hand will seek to retail its services and will only sell to its neighborhood.

Securing a space, maybe a warehouse (for large scale) would be necessary and also provide a constant supply of power then install needed facilities, also you have to consider the proximity of your cold room to the point where you will be getting your products from.

2.0. Executive Summary

Icyy Cold Room and Frozen Food Items is a registered cold room business that will be based in Sango Otta in Ogun State.  The location was well sought considering it being close to the border and also the market potential in the location is huge, the area is home to a lot of residents and other small businesses. Although we will concern ourselves with our immediate environment, this will not hinder our progression towards being known across the borders of Ogun state as we will work hard and ensure we extend our tentacles deep into Lagos state and other states in the South West region with our roots running deeply at our starting point.

As a business just starting out, we have obtained all permits and licenses at all tiers, we have the zeal to go the extra mile without breaking any laws of the nation and also to hire efficient and hardworking and dedicated individuals that will help push this business to the summit.

Our goal is to position Icyy as the best in the industry when it comes to procuring food preservation services ensuring impeccable services, swift delivery, quality maintenance, cold delivery services and hygiene. This might seem like building castles in the air but with hard work, determination, and feasible plans, this is very achievable and is far from a shot in the dark.

3.0. Products and Services

The importance of having quality products and services should not be undermined in any business and it is not undermined here at Icyy. Following the rules, regulations and policies set by concerned bodies in the country, we have the intention of making profits from this line of business at the same time offering the best and ensuring wellness by making sure hygiene is our utmost priority. A list of products we will be offering will include;

  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Beef
  • Fish

4.0. Our Business Structure

A cold room business will work just fine with a handful of employees and few skilled and trained personnel who would handle technical issues and an inventory manager and also an accountant. But in our mission to build a top-flight cold room, we have plans to employ competent hands and get all hands on deck. The following positions will be available at Icyy Cold Room;

  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Cold Room Manager
  • Human Resources Manager
  • Accountants
  • Customer Services Personnel
  • Technician(s)
  • Sales and Marketing Manager
  • Information Technologist

5.0. SWOT Analysis

After employing the services of a business consultant, we came up with a SWOT analysis for our business. Together we were able to examine the potential of the business idea after looking through our business concept together, also we were able to assess ourselves to ensure we were fledged to run a standard cold room that will not be shut out by competitors.

Below is an assessment we deduced;


The strength of Icyy Cold Room lies in the proposed distribution network and additional services it will offer which includes cold delivery options, impeccable hygiene and customer feedback. Also the relationship that we seek to establish with other frozen food companies whether big or small will help cement our stand in the industry


The likes of our business can be noticed in the area we are setting up base due to factors mentioned earlier, so this is a major weakness.


Opportunities are unlimited to the business itself and this is also bolstered because of the location we are setting up, although there are competitors in the same are but as we said we harness our strengths to help us garner the trust of consumers.


Threats are unlikely as food is very essential, but in the case of an economic downturn, we might be affected, although purchasing power might decline this will not amount to a total shutdown in the consumption of meat.

Also one of the threats are our competitors which we will not be much of a threat once we have rallied the consumers to our side.

Another set of threats will be unfavorable government policies.

Our Target Market

Retailing or distributing frozen foods has a huge customer base. The products we offer can’t just be targeted on a particular demographic. Then again, even if everybody eats meat, not everybody buys it directly from the cold room so here is a list of our target points, if we are to be specific with the scale at which we will be operating;

  • Households
  • Hotels
  • Restaurants
  • Frozen Food Retailers

How To Download Cold Room Business Plan Sample

Above is a part of the cold room business plan template in Nigeria. If you want the complete cold room business plan sample with the full financial plan, calculations, and more, follow the procedures to download it. 

Pay the sum of N10000 (Five thousand naira only) to the account detail below:
Bank: GTBank
Name: Oyewole Abidemi (I am putting my name and not our company account so you know we are real people and you can trust us)
Ac/No: 0238933625
Type: Saving

Thereafter, send us your email address through text message to +234 701 754 2853The text must contain the title of the business plan you want and also your email address. Immediately after the confirmation of your payment, we will send the cold room business plan template in Nigeria to your email address where you can easily download it.

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