Download this comprehensive feasibility study for Fashion Ready-Made Clothes Factory in Nigeria for your loan and grant requirements for NIRSAL, CBN, BOA, BOI. A Feasibility Report for Fashion Ready-Made Clothes Factory in Nigeria is all you need to start up your desired Fashion Ready-Made Clothes Factory in Nigeria
There are many factories that operate as clothing manufacturers for women, men or children clothes. However, most of these factories operate based on traditional methods that need to be developed in order to attract traders. Hence, we have come up with an innovative idea of a ready-made clothes factory based on the most up-to-date techniques and scientific methods to satisfy all traders and help market their products effectively. In addition, highly experienced laborers are needed to implement such modern techniques. We will show you how to conduct a feasibility study for a readymade clothes factory.
This project’s feasibility analysis consists of 3 stages:
a. Market Study
b. Technical Study
c. Financial Study
d. Market Study
Market Study
A market study is needed, it is carried out so as to identify the demand for the project’s future products, and it includes:
• Studying the factors that affect the products’ demand and supply
• Understanding the market’s structure, size, characteristics, and procedures
• Weighing the previous and current supply, whether it is imported or a local product, and how well it sells at a certain price
• Understanding the extent of prices stability and competitors’ marketing policies
• Outlining the marketing policies that will be used for the project over time
Technical Study
The technical study outlines the input, technical factors, and practices that will be implemented in the realization of the product;
Perusing the production process and estimating the needed land space for the process
• Identifying the project’s requirements of machines and equipment, materials, energy, transportation, labors, supervisors, managers, and the way they should be organized
• Defining organizational structure
• Outlining the environmental requirements and meeting up with them
Financial Study
The financial study of a project is carried out to identify the amount of cash that a project needs. A financial study of a project includes:
• Projected annual operation costs
• A capital statement (Financial resources)
• How loans will be paid back
• Profits and losses analysis
• Cash flow
A financial evaluation of a project is to identify the project’s capability of providing direct revenues that are compatible with its financial resources. The following are several objective criteria used in financial and economic evaluations of a project which could be helpful when conducting a feasibility study:
– Break-Even Analysis is a method to identify the relationship between revenues and costs to know the minimum production size that is required to meet costs excluding profits or losses.
– Payback period allows investors to know when they can regain their money.
– Medium revenue average is the percentage of the average annual net profits after deducting consumption and taxes to the required investment size of the project.
– Net present value (NPV) refers to the difference between the present value of internal cash flows and external cash flows.
– Profits analysis is the result of dividing internal cash flow’s present value by external cash flows’ present value. If the result turns to be more than 1, the project will be profitable and vice versa.
Equipment and required materials:
A rented flat with an area of 100m2, this can be acquired at #25,000 per month.
Price= 25,000 x 12 months
Total= 300,000
Wires, lamps and equipment cables= 25,000
Machines and Equipment;
Equipment like sewing machines, overlock sewing machines, buttonholes machine, button machine, steam iron, electric scissors will be needed
Sewing machines – 30,000
Overlock sewing machine – 120,000
Buttonholes machine – 150,000
Buttons machine – 150,000
Steam Iron – 60,000
Electric scissors – 60,000
Other furniture needed will be tables for finishing and cutting and chairs too.
Finishing and sorting tables – 6,000
Cloth cutting table – 25,000
Chairs – 3,000
Scissors – 2,000
Finishing scissors – 2,000
Electric Iron – 2,000
Human Resources;
Manpower will be required for this project, you will require the services of tailors, at least four, a fitter, finishing personnel, presser, and the amount it will cost you will depend.
How To Download The Feasibility REPORT for Fashion Ready Made Clothes Factory
Above is a part of the feasibility report for Fashion Ready-Made Clothes Factory. If you want the feasibility study for Fashion Ready-Made Clothes Factory follow the procedures to download it.
Pay the sum of N8000 (Eight thousand naira only) to the account detail below:
Bank: GTBank
Name: Oyewole Abidemi (I am putting my name and not our company account so you know I am real and you can trust me, and trace me)
Ac/No: 0238933625
Type: Saving
P.S: We can also tailor the feasibility analysis for Fashion Ready-Made Clothes Factory in Nigeria your name, business size, capital requirements, and more to fit your direct needs. Call or message +234 701 754 2853 for inquiries.
Thereafter, send us your email address through text message to +234 701 754 2853. The text must contain the title of the feasibility study for Fashion Ready-Made Clothes Factory in Nigeria feasibility report or business plan you want and also your email address. Immediately after the confirmation of your payment, we will send the feasibility report for Fashion Ready-Made Clothes Factory to your email address where you can easily download it.