How to Download a Business Plan Template in Nigeria?

by Demi

The simplest way to get started with a business plan is to find a business plan template. You may need a to download business plan template for various grants and applications like BOI, CBN, NIRSAL and the likes.

To assist in creating an effective and complete plan, it’s best you lean on time-tested structures created by entrepreneurs who plied the paths before you.

The end goal of most business plans is to create a document that can access or secure needed funds. Although some business owners use a business plan for reasons other than money such as business clarity, documentation and posterity.

That is the reason we have created a free business plan template to give you an idea of how your business plan should?


Whey should you write a business plan in the first place?

It is tempting to just begin to execute when you are happy about a new side project or business. But using your time to create a business plan and get your imaginations on paper gives you the chance to do some things that are beneficial such as:

A. Evaluate the ideas of your business. Either you have got one retail business in mind or several online business ideas which you are thinking of doing, the right business plan can give more clarity to the idea, letting you know is they are really viable.

B. Plan for your next level. Either your aim is to begin a new business or grow an existing one to the next phase, a business plan can help you what needs to occur and spot gaps to address.

C. Clarify tactics, goals, and strategy. When you write a business plan, it can make you know the next actionable steps you can take on an abstract, big idea. It can also assist you in narrowing your business strategy and spot clean-cut techniques that’ll support it.

D. Review the Scope of Work: When your business doesn’t have a solid plan, cost overruns and delays are sure. A business plan can assist you in seeing the entire scope of the work that needs to be done and make use of your investment of money and time accordingly.

E. Hire and create partnerships. Anytime you require buy-in from your potential team members and employees, particularly in the baby stages of your enterprise, a clearly written business plan is one of the perfect tools. A business plan IS a refined view of your aims for the business, giving partners the chance to judge for themselves either or not they’ll support your dream.

F. Get funding. Getting funds for your business, either it’s from a bank or investors, is one of the most popular reasons people create a business plan.


Why Download a Business Plan template for CBN, NIRSAL?

A business plan can either be formal or informal, depending on what your situation calls for. But even if you are someone who likes the approach of back-of-the-napkin planning, there’re a number of important advantages to beginning your business plan from a template or an existing outline.

No blank-page paralysis. One thing can be intimidating to even the veteran writers, and that is a blank page. Making use of guidelines or an established framework can help you get past the inertia of beginning your business plan. It also gives you the chance to skip the stress of creating an outline from scratch. You can always alter a template so it can suit your requirements.

Guidance on what you’re to include in every section. If you haven’t ever sat through a business class, you have likely never have made a balance sheet or a SWOT analysis before. Templates which give guidance – in simple language – on how you’re to fill in every section can assist you in navigating business margins that are sometimes-daunting, and build an effective and complete plan.

Knowing that you have considered all sections. In a number of cases, you’ll likely not require to complete all sections of a business plan template. But its first structure unveils to you that you want to ignore a section as opposed to not remembering to add it in the first place.


How To Download A Business Plan Template PDF and Doc (With financial analysis)

Pay the sum of N5000 (Five thousand naira only) to the account detail below:
Bank: GTBank
Name: Oyewole Abidemi (I am putting my name and not our company account so you know I am real and you can trust me, and trace me)
Ac/No: 0238933625
Type: Saving

P.S: We can also tailor the business plan to your name, business size, capital requirements, and more to fit your direct needs. Call or message +234 701 754 2853 for enquiries

Thereafter, send us your email address through text message to +234 701 754 2853The text must contain the title of the business plan you want and also your email address. Immediately after the confirmation of your payment, we will send the Business Plan for n to your email address where you can easily download it.



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