How to Start Cocoyam Farming Business in Nigeria

by Demi

Looking for a resource or guide on “how to Start Cocoyam Farming Business in Nigeria”?

You can also download the Cocoyam Farming Business business plan at the end of this article, which you can download to present to NIRSAL, BOI, BOA, and other investors.

Read on….

Cocoyam is popular in Nigeria and is a staple food in many communities in the country. It is enjoyed in many ways or forms by many people, some use it to make soups, some boil it, it is sold commercially as a snack when boiled, some make porridge with it and these are a few among a long list of other recipes which this crop.

The cocoyam is a tuber crop with many palatable uses and this has geared many people to start cultivating this crop on large scale to generate income and yield profits.

Our focus here is to guide you on how to start a profitable Cocoyam farming business in Nigeria. There is no better time than now as the opportunities it offers are much.

Why You Should Start a Cocoyam Business in Nigeria

Before now, the cultivation of this crop is popular among small-scale or subsistence farmers. The goal of their cultivation was for personal consumption and the little left from the farm yield after they have set aside the ones meant for consumption was sold at the local market. As civilization came by and people of different ethnicities and tribes began sharing communities there was an exchange in food recipes among different cultures and as these type of societies grew, cultures were shared and with the discovery of newer ways to prepare this food, the demand started to rise across these types of cosmopolitan communities. Asides the long list of recipes the cocoyam is found in, it also has its health benefits which is why people also indulge in the consumption and what’s more, all these benefits are gotten cheap as the cocoyam is very much affordable compared to most tuber crops that do not even have the benefits gotten from the cocoyam.

Health Benefits of Cocoyam

Prior to this time, little was perceived about the benefits the tuber crop contributed to the health of man, the tuber crop has a fair share in the amounts of vitamins and nutrients.

The tuber crop contains good amounts of niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamins B6, A, and E. it has good deals of copper, manganese, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and protein

Basic Requirements for Starting a Cocoyam Business

Sizeable farmland is one of the basic requirements for starting a cocoyam farming business, a huge part of your capital will go into land acquisition, but if you possess this already this will significantly reduce your expenses.

The soil on the farmland should be a loamy soil or a loam clay soil that is well-drained, this is optimal for cultivation.

Acquiring good seedlings, healthy ones and preparing them for cultivation.


a. Cultivating Your Crop

The actual cultivation and farming of your crop requires tilling the soil, making mounds/ridges, and preparing the soil making it favorable for the cultivation of the crop, this could also include applying compost and also ensuring adequate spacing between the crops to encourage proper growth as this will affect how plants will uptake nutrients.

Tending your crop is necessary for a bountiful yield or harvest. This will involve weeding, as well as piling more soil to the base of the stem. Adequate spacing will make this easier to achieve.  This process ensures your crops get the perfect conditions. You can choose to cultivate in the dry or rainy season. Irrigation farming is widely practiced too. However, the same care process applies to all.


b. Profit Potential

There is no doubt in the profit potential of this tuber crop, work has to be put in to ensure success. This work really involves getting your products out there to the market. Joining a farmers’ cooperative society will help in easing some burdens like the right pricing and getting the products to the local market.

Visiting any market will reveal that it the crop is not in abundance. This presents an opportunity to exploit, therefore taking the bold step is necessary.


Now that you know How to Start Cocoyam Farming Business in Nigeria, you can get a business plan.


How To Download the Cocoyam Farming Business Plan Template

 If you want the complete cocoyam farming business plan with the full financial plan, calculations, and more, follow the procedures to download it. 

Pay the sum of N5000 (Five thousand naira only) to the account detail below:
Bank: GTBank
Name: Oyewole Abidemi (I am putting my name and not our company account so you know we are real people and you can trust us)
Ac/No: 0238933625
Type: Saving

Thereafter, send us your email address through text message to +234 701 754 2853The text must contain the title of the business plan you want and also your email address. Immediately after the confirmation of your payment, we will send the cocoyam farming business plan template in Nigeria to your email address where you can easily download it.

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