Looking for an integrated farming feasibility study for your new or existing farm?
Download this integrated farming feasibility study, which you can download to present to NIRSAL, TEF BOI, BOA, and other investors.
Integrated farming is a sustainable agricultural system that integrates different farm practices such as crop production, livestock farming, and fishery in a complementary manner, to increase productivity and reduce environmental degradation.
In Nigeria, integrated farming is becoming increasingly popular among small-scale farmers, as it offers a cost-effective and sustainable way to boost agricultural productivity. The practice is particularly beneficial in the face of the increasing food demand and the challenges of climate change.
Some of the integrated farming practices in Nigeria include:
Crop-livestock integration: This involves combining crop production and livestock farming on the same piece of land. For example, farmers can use crop residues as animal feed and use animal manure as fertilizer for crops.
Aquaculture-agriculture integration: This involves combining fish farming with crop production. Fish waste can be used as fertilizer for crops while the water from the fish ponds can be used for irrigation.
Agroforestry: This involves the integration of trees with crops and livestock. Trees can be used to provide shade for crops and animals, while also providing timber, fruits, and other products.
Integrated pest management: This involves using natural methods to control pests and diseases in crops and livestock, such as the use of biopesticides and biological control agents.
Overall, integrated farming in Nigeria has the potential to increase food security, reduce poverty, and promote sustainable development in rural areas.
ADS Integrated Agribusiness is a start-up integrated agribusiness that produces excellent and economical chicken products, live and oven-dried catfish, maize, and their derivatives for consumers in Nigeria’s Western area. Our office is in Oshogbo, Osun State, Nigeria, as well as other important cities around.
2.0. Our Company
Shina Adetife and his family will own and operate the ADS Integrated Agriculture Company as a limited liability corporation. His son Oluwaseun Adetife, a veteran with over five years of experience in the Agricultural industry, operates the farm, which Shina Adetife manages, an experienced Agro-allied professional with over 20 years of experience working with several top agribusiness organizations across the country.
In the next five years, to be among the top-tiers in the Integrated Agriculture sector in Western Nigeria.
To deliver an amazing, first-rate, and appealing environment for our product production, wholesale, and retailing.
To provide our consumers with high-quality products and services.
- Over a three-year period, increase income from chicken and fish product sales to N50,000,000.
- Maintaining profit margins of 20-25% by paying strict attention to expenditures and manufacturing costs.
- To increase awareness and sales through references in both local print and social media.
- Attract customers and clients to our exceptional services by raising awareness of additional market potential through retail sales.
- Financial security for feed purchases.
- Low operational costs.
- System of mixed agriculture
- Our executive team’s expertise and experience
- Having excellent store sites in high-traffic regions.
- Processing facility that is sanitary and clean.
- Close proximity to a stream with plenty of usable water for fish farming.
- Quality processed items and strong retail relationships.
- Excellent customer service and a shorter processing time.
7.0. Goods and Services
ADS Integrated Agribusiness offers three product categories:
- Poultry goods, such as poultry eggs, hens, and litter waste.
- African Catfish: Live matured fish, grilled fish, dried fish, Yellow maize, mostly dried but incorporated into feed production for both animal goods, for which we provide Kill-Cut-Wrap-Freeze (KCWF) services (e.g., traditional cuts in paper).
- Our chicken and fish products are sanitary, high in protein, and manufactured in accordance with Nigerian and international standards.
Advantages and disadvantages of Integrated farming
8.0. The Market
Because of the fast growth in population and rising affluence, the demand for chicken and catfish products has risen dramatically. Demand for animal protein is rapidly increasing as more Nigerians reach the middle class. According to USAID (United States Agency for International Development) forecasts, this trend is quite likely to continue in the next years. The Nigerian poultry and aquaculture industries have been significantly developing in recent years, making them the largest commercialized (capitalized) sub-sectors of Nigerian agriculture, accounting for more than 35% of the nation’s GDP in 2016.
9.0 Level of Competition
ABS Integrated Agribusiness’ competitors include Zartech h Choice Farms, Best Foods Global, Meat World Foods, Chi Farms, and Obasanjo Farms. Integrated Agribusiness will gain a competitive advantage via its founder’s knowledge and experiences.
10.0. Economic Considerations
ADS Integrated Agribusiness is looking for a long-term loan of N5 million to cover start-up fees, equipment, construction expenditures, and working capital. The stock contributed by the partners and investors is the primary source of funding for the business’s debut.
The company will achieve positive cash flow in its tenth month of operation, enabling for faster repayment of its debt commitments and the distribution of dividends to the shareholders. In the first year of operation, revenue will exceed N14,500,000, and profit would be around N3,843,950.
How To Download Integrated Farming Business Plan or Feasibility study PDF and Doc (With financial analysis)
Pay the sum of N8000 (Eight thousand naira only) to the account detail below:
Bank: GTBank
Name: Oyewole Abidemi (I am putting my name and not our company account so you know I am real and you can trust me, and trace me)
Ac/No: 0238933625
Type: Saving
P.S: We can also tailor the business plan to your name, business size, capital requirements, and more to fit your direct needs. Call or message +234 701 754 2853 for inquiries.
Thereafter, send us your email address through text message to +234 701 754 2853. The text must contain the title of the business plan/feasibility study you want and also your email address. Immediately after the confirmation of your payment, we will send the integrated farming feasibility Plan to your email address where you can easily download it.