Download Ginger Farming Business Plan in Nigeria PDF

by Demi

We have created a detailed ginger farming business plan in Nigeria to start with your new ginger enterprise, get a financial loan from CBN, NIRSAL, BOI, and future predictions.



  • Choose the Right Location: Ginger thrives in warm, humid climates with well-draining soil. The ideal soil for ginger farming is sandy loam soil that is rich in organic matter. Choose a location that receives adequate rainfall and has good drainage.
  • Prepare the Soil: Before planting, clear the land of all weeds, rocks, and debris. Plow the field to a depth of about 15-20cm, and add organic matter like compost, manure or mulch to improve soil fertility.
  • Procure Quality Seedlings: Buy seedlings from a reputable source, or cultivate them yourself using good quality ginger roots. Look for seedlings that are firm, plump and have several buds. Avoid seedlings with signs of rot, mold, or insect infestation.
  • Planting: Plant the seedlings in rows, leaving a distance of about 20-25cm between each plant. Ginger should be planted at a depth of 5-10cm below the soil surface. After planting, cover the soil with mulch to help retain moisture and suppress weed growth.
  • Fertilization: Ginger is a heavy feeder, so it requires adequate fertilization to grow well. Apply nitrogen-rich fertilizers like poultry manure or urea at the time of planting and then again after 3-4 weeks.
  • Irrigation: Ginger requires regular irrigation to maintain soil moisture. Water the plants deeply once or twice a week, depending on the rainfall in your area. Avoid overwatering as it can lead to root rot and other fungal diseases.
  • Pest and Disease Management: Ginger is susceptible to pests and diseases such as nematodes, root-knot nematodes, and fungal diseases like rhizome rot. Monitor the plants regularly and take appropriate measures such as applying organic pesticides like neem oil, or using biocontrol agents like Bacillus thuringiensis to control pests and diseases.
  • Harvesting: Ginger is ready for harvest after about 8-10 months. Look for signs of yellowing leaves, which indicate that the ginger is mature. To harvest, carefully dig up the rhizomes using a garden fork or hoe, taking care not to damage the plant. Wash the ginger thoroughly, dry it in the sun for a few days, and then store it in a cool, dry place.
  • Marketing: Once harvested, ginger can be sold to local markets, supermarkets or exported. Identify buyers who offer the best prices for your ginger and negotiate a fair price.

By following these steps, you can successfully cultivate ginger in Nigeria and maximize your profits. Good luck!


Ginger is a lucrative crop that can be grown on a small scale or on a large commercial scale. The profitability of ginger farming depends on various factors, including the cost of production, market demand, and the yield per acre. Here is a breakdown of the costs and potential profits of ginger farming per acre in Nigeria:

Cost of Production: The cost of producing an acre of ginger varies depending on several factors, such as the cost of land, seedlings, labor, fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation, and other inputs. On average, the cost of production per acre ranges from ₦200,000 to ₦300,000, depending on the location, scale of production, and other variables.

Yield per Acre: The yield of ginger per acre also varies depending on the quality of seedlings, soil fertility, weather conditions, and other factors. On average, a well-managed ginger farm can produce up to 20,000-30,000 kg of fresh ginger per acre, with an average yield of about 25,000 kg.

Market Price: The price of ginger in Nigeria fluctuates depending on market demand and supply. However, on average, the market price of fresh ginger per kg is between ₦250-₦400, while dried ginger sells for about ₦800-₦1,000 per kg. This means that a farmer can make a profit of about ₦4,000,000-₦10,000,000 per acre, depending on the yield and market prices.

Profitability: The profitability of ginger farming per acre in Nigeria depends on several factors, including the cost of production, market demand, and yield per acre. However, on average, a well-managed ginger farm can generate a profit of about ₦3,000,000-₦7,000,000 per acre.

To maximize profitability in ginger farming, farmers should focus on improving their farming techniques, using high-quality seedlings, proper crop management practices, and marketing strategies. It is also important to identify reliable buyers or markets for ginger, negotiate favorable prices, and take advantage of any available government incentives or support programs.


  • Introduction
    Executive summary
    Business ownership
    Farm location
    Our vision statement
    Our mission statement
    Our business structure
    Our strength
    Market analysis
    Market trends
    Our target market
    Our competitive advantage
    Sales and marketing strategy
    Sales forecast
    Payment options
    Financial projections and costing
    Sources of startup capital

If you’ve been looking for where you’ll get a business plan for your ginger farming business processing, all you need is provided below:

Executive Summary

Agriculture has continued to play a significant part in the growth of Nigeria. We see agric as a way to reduce reliance on some particular importation earning forex, absorbing a lot of novel entrants into the labour market and maximizing farm revenues during the period of great unemployment.

Ginger is known to be a herbaceous perennial plant that’s grown as an annual in commercial development. It’s cultivated in the subtropical and tropical areas of the universe. In so many countries, rhizome (processed ginger “root”) is the standard of commerce, thereby making them trade out as a candied or dried spice.

The height of the average ginger plant is between 61cn to 122cm (two to four feet) under normal conditions. Farmers asexually propagate consumable ginger from a set of rhizomes. Though different kinds of consumable ginger are grown globally, we only cultivate 2 types in our nation, Nigeria.

The type that has a little rhizome with a cool yellow-coloured flesh is called the Japanese ginger, while the Chinese kind gets identified with large rhizome, a flesh of light yellow colour, and is less pungent compared to the Japanese variant. The best time of planting ginger is during the early spring, starting in the month of March. You’ll yield great results when you let it grow for at least ten months.

As soon as ginger is cured, it’s packed and sold in a 50-kilogram bag. One can also grow ginger in a greenhouse. Its rhizomes are graded according to the standards stated by the Department of Agric.

There’s successful cultivation of commercial ginger in Nigeria because of its market value. Farmers don’t only produce ginger for revenue and income creation, but it’s also known for its health advantages/medical value, that’s why there’s a high demand for ginger nationally and internationally.

The best period of planting ginger is the beginning of spring, which starts in March. Farmers get the greatest yield when they leave it to grow for ten months. After it has been cured, farmers pack them in a 50-kilogram bag, then sell them. The rhizomes are graded according to the standard created by the Department of Agric. This form of business is all about ginger cultivation and processes carried out in its production.

Farmers will then sell the harvested products to industries that produce raw materials and also exported to nearby countries to generate revenue.

1.1    Objectives

Corporate Objectives:

  • Provision of best products and services at extremely reasonable rates.
  • Providing or serving of ginger-based products, that hasn’t been experienced in its industry at considerable rates.
  • Creating a standard ginger granulation tech industry, which will be one of the best in Nigeria.
  • Empowering employees and customers with apparent pragmatic business solutions.
  • Extending the way we approach businesses fo the production and manufacturing industry, particularly the ones in the ginger industry.
  • Adapting and reinventing ginger products that’ll go worldwide and be of good reference 10 years from now.

Long-term goals

  • Developing the company to a blue-chip company listed in the stock exchange of Nigeria in the next 10 years
  • Creating an internal product development and improvement department within 3 years from now.
  • Incorporating the function of Ginger health products research and development into the company within the initial 4 years. Creating a marketing and functions team of great efficiency.


1.2 Mission

We do not claim to make provision for the best products and services required by humanity, but we try to do better because we believe knowledge means empowering not employing, which is our nature.

1.3 Keys to Success

What makes us successful at Okiki Ginger is our impeccable customer satisfaction and public relations, incorporated into a brand that has the in-demand/best selection of ginger products and a wide array of outstanding new products.

How To Download The Complete Ginger Planting/Farming Business Plan In Nigeria

Above is a part of the ginger business plan in Nigerian. In case you the complete business plan, follow the procedures to download it.

Pay the sum of N8000 (Eight thousand naira only) to the account detail below:
Bank: GTBank
Name: Oyewole Abidemi (I am putting my name and not our company account so you know we are real people and you can trust us)
Ac/No: 0238933625
Type: Saving

Thereafter, send us your email address through text message to +234 701 754 2853The text must contain the title of the business plan you want and also your email address. Immediately after the confirmation of your payment, we will send the ginger business plan in Nigeria to your email address where you can easily download it.

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clifford April 19, 2022 - 1:37 pm

I am in Zambia and i am interested


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