Poultry Farming Feasibility Study for Poultry Business Plan

by Demi

Download this comprehensive feasibility report for your poultry broilers and layers business for your loan and grant requirements for NIRSAL, CBN, BOA, BOI. A Poultry Farming Feasibility Study is all you need to start up your desired Poultry farming business.



Investing large capital on a poultry business without a well-developed business plan and feasibility study report is equal to putting the amount invested in jeopardy. Business plans and Feasibility study Reports sets you on the track for making a maximum profit in the business.

This Poultry Farming Feasibility Study for your business plan is a sample that has been put together by Mr Bidemi, an expert in business plans writing and consultant for many agribusinesses.

1.0. Executive Summary Poultry Farming Feasibility Study

Feasibility Study on the establishment of a poultry farm is based on the survey made by the writer of this report. The name of the poultry farm will be named BIDEX BIRD FARMS and will concentrate on sales of eggs and table meat bird.

We will be the supplier of birds and eggs to a different quick-service restaurant in South-West Nigeria and our vision is to be one of the main poultry farm product supplier in Nigeria aiming to raise healthy birds and in turn, promote wellness passively.

The research carried out made it obvious that the demand for poultry meat and eggs are not fully met in some areas of Ilorin, though they are operating around Ilorin, the poultry farm will be sited at Eyenkorin an area on the outskirts of the town. These legal requirements for the establishment of this venture such as local government revenue (tax) per month and security payment (vigilante) per month have been inquired and will be carefully complied with.

The venture will help in creating employment to the locals, especially as part-time in its early stages then will offer full-time jobs when it attains a certain milestone, meeting the demand of eggs and making the price affordable in future, BIDEX BIRD FARMS intends to develop into other poultry farming structures such as turkey, duck, guinea fowl and quail.


Firstly, to increase the number of our client by 20% in the first 2 years of operation. Secondly, to evaluate and add new tactics, if need be, to our strategic marketing quarterly. Lastly, to keep and maintain hygienic farms for healthy eggs and birds which will, in turn, promote the wellness of the consumers


BIDEX BIRD FARMS products will be priced at a rate where customers would be assured they will obtain quality at a price that is friendly for their pocket. When markup is placed on any of our products, customers will be willing to pay because of the affordable price and quality.

The venture to be established is a poultry farm that will concentrate on the production of eggs and sales of broilers, birds because of the fund required the business will start as a small scale business having the locality surrounding the Eyenkorin area as a target market. The farm site will be a permanent land and will need necessary equipment for its operation as it is an entirely new firm to start from scratch.


The firm will be a commercial poultry farm; therefore it will require full-time labour and aims for productivity on a scale for the sales of egg and sales of broiler birds.

For egg production, birds usually start to lay at 18-22 weeks of age and continue laying for a period of twelve months (52weeks) on average laying fewer eggs as the new mounting period. The typical production cycle lapses after about 17 months (72 weeks) and involves three district phases as follows:

PHASE 1 (PULLETS OR BROILERS): This phrase last from 0 – 8 weeks during which small chicks (pullets) are kept separately from broilers.

PHASE 2 (GROWERS): This period concerned is between 8 – 21 weeks of age. Growers are the future laying birds and the way they grow up will largely determine how well they do in the laying house. Therefore the care and management taken during this phase, the growing period is very important to the quality of stock.

PHASE 3 (LAYERS): The laying period is perceived to hve commenced when the birds reach 5% egg production on a daily basis. The laying period continues until the birds are sold at the end of a laying period of normal length or are force mounted Housing time starts with the beginning of the laying period. The number of birds housed is the number of pullet in the laying house when egg production starts.


Most meals in Nigeria is not complete without poultry output like egg or meat. Nigeria has over 170 million growing population that demands meat or egg on a daily basis. With increasing awareness on the adverse effects of red meat on health, they seek to satisfy their need for meat with white meat thus increasing the demand for poultry and certain livestock which are a source of white meat.


Our target markets are the restaurants and households around the Eyenkorin axis in Ilorin, awareness will be made by means of advertisement. The advertisement will be made on flyers, handbills, and one-on-one marketing will be done to eateries, restaurants and companies that need our product for the flow of their operations. Our major market aggression will be supplied to local markets makers of cake and ice cream, local restaurants and hotels around that axis.



Marketing activities include among other grading quality, promotions, packaging and addition of value, these activities are essentials as they will generate a large volume of sales of product quickly as possible because resulting to increase of income.


Eggs should be graded by size and labelled according to its weight. During selection and grading, care must be applied to ensure that weight is uniformed to avoid criticism and rejection from customers.


This evaluation is based on birds i.e. layers and broilers Layers are those birds that lay eggs while broilers don’t lay an egg. This evaluation will be based on 5% normal loss i.e. at the process of taking care of the day-old chicks; it is possible to lose 5% of the birds to sickness. Therefore if we start with 1000 birds, it is possible for us to lose 50 birds at the process of rearing them. While broilers if we start with 400 birds it is possible for us to loss 20 birds to diseases at the process of rearing them.


The timeframe for a layer to commence its laying is 18 weeks, if we start with 1000 birds and we loss 5-10% of it so we have 950-900 surviving layers and with proper management of feeding and other maintenance of the bird it is possible to get 90% egg production that is 855 per day and 5985 pieces of egg every week. If we loss 1% of the egg that is 60 pieces every week so we have 5925 pieces p/weeks. 197 crates of eggs every week and crate of egg is sold accordingly to its size. Small size N500, Medium N600, Big size N700. Assuming we use medium size, that is N600 which result to N118500 sales of egg every week.

After laying eggs for 52 weeks (12months) we dispose the layer and it will be sold at the rate of N700 per layers

Therefore, before changing the stock we might have made N6,162,000 from sales of eggs and N665,000 from the disposal of old layers making a sum total of N6,827,000 for the period of 52 weeks (one year)




Broilers do not lay eggs but grows to table size when they are from 8 weeks old upward. The projected number for the amount of broilers are 400 birds and if we have 380 surviving birds sold at the rate of N1,500 each, making a total sales of N570,000 for the period of rearing the broilers. Making it total sales of (570,000 x 3) N1,710,000 for period of 12 months. Total Sales expected for 12 months.

Layers N6,162,000

Broilers N1,710,000

TOTAL – N7,872,000


2 plots of land @ N150,000 N300,000

Block 2000 pcs @ 110 N220,000

Cement 60 bags @ N1800 N108,000

Cement Carriage N3,000

Woods N151,700

Roofing Sheets N126,000

Roofing Slate N25,000

Ceiling Slate N15,000

Reggie’s N7,500

Nails N12,000

Net 15 bundles @ N4000 N60,000

Iron door N43,000

TOTAL – N1,071,200


Stone Big 2tipper @ N25,000 N50,000

Sharp sand (Mayans) N20,000

Soft Sand N22,000

TOTAL – N92,000


Day old feeders 30pcs @ N120 N3,600

Day old Drinker 15pcs @ N200 N3,000

Feeders 60pcs @ N550 N33,000

Drinkers 12pcs @ N2500 N30,000

Shovel & Head pan N2,000

Thermometer (Digital) N8,000

Scale (Digital) N10,000

Geepee Tank 1500litres N23,000

Geepee Tank 500 litres N14,000

Nylon 7 pcs @ N700 N4,900


Carpenter N65,000

Bricklayer N80,000

Miscellaneous N130,000

TOTAL – N275,000

Business Registration N20,000


1000 pullets @140 N140,000

400 broilers @ 130 N52,000

TOTAL – N192,000


Feeds, Vaccines & up keeps N1,330,000

Salaries and stationery N240,000

TOTAL – N1,570,000


Capital expenses N1,781,700

Operational expenses N1,570,000



Layers N6,162,000

Broilers N1,710,000

TOTAL – N7,872,000


For layers during egg production, the expenses are half of the sales of egg will go in for feeds and other operational expenses. i.e. N6,162,000 divided by 2 = 3,081,000

For broiler, the cost of production till the birds reaches table size before a disposition is between N900 to N1000. So, therefore, lets put the benchmark to N1000. If N1140 broiler is sold at the rate of N1500

1,710,000 – N1140,000 = N570,000

The profit of layers for a period of 12 months = N3,081,000

The profit of broilers for a period of 12 months = N570,000

Total profit = N3,081,000 for layer N571,000 for broiler N3,651,000


This method talks about the number of periods that an investment project will pay back the amount invested. It usually shows the number of years it would take an investor to recover the initial cost of investment from the expected streams of cash flows. The payback period can be calculated as thus

PBP = Total Profit – Initial Capital

Using the Payback Period of loan generating a profit of N3,651,000, 2 years and 8 months.

How To Download The Complete Poultry Farming Feasibility Study In Nigeria PDF and Doc

Above is a part of the poultry farming feasibility study in Nigeria. If you want the complete poultry farming feasibility study, follow the procedures to download it.

Pay the sum of N8000 (Eight thousand naira only) to the account detail below:
Bank: GTBank
Name: Oyewole Abidemi (I am putting my name and not our company account so you know I am real and you can trust me, and trace me)
Ac/No: 0238933625
Type: Saving

P.S: We can also tailor the feasibility analysis to your name, business size, capital requirements, and more to fit your direct needs. Call or message +234 701 754 2853 for enquiries.

Thereafter, send us your email address through text message to +234 701 754 2853The text must contain the title of the poultry feasibility report or business plan you want and also your email address. Immediately after the confirmation of your payment, we will send the poultry farming feasibility analysis for broilers and layers in Nigeria to your email address where you can easily download it.

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1 comment

Marcel Jaff February 8, 2022 - 11:28 am

Hello Sir,

Thanks for this great document. I learned a lot from it.
I am very interested in how the feasibility study was carried out. I mean the process.

Can you help?


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