Looking for a personal statement sample for academic purposes? Download our personal statement sample or get a customized one (see details below)
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Are you vying to study in any of the most recognized universities abroad?
What is a personal statement for a university?
A personal statement for the university is an important part of the UCAS application process which includes writing about your skills, experience, and ambitions – to convince your chosen university that you are a suitable applicant for their course.
It shows how your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and other relevant experience has made you interested in applying for the course.
How long should a personal statement for university be?
Base on UCAS, a personal statement should not be longer than 4000 words. Though it’s comparable to a PS for your CV, personal statements for the university are somewhat longer and more specific.
How to structure your personal statement for university?
Compare to a CV, structuring your personal statement in distinct paragraphs (normally around three or four) – preferably than one block of text is important.
Although, there is no need of following a set structure, hither’s a rough guideline of how you could arrange your statement for university:
- Reasons for studying
- Why you’re qualified to study
- How your current study is relevant
- Your related hobbies and pursuits
- Your skills and accomplishments
When do you need to submit your personal statement for university?
Your personal statement should be submitted with the rest of your application before the deadline given by UCAS.
This varies depending on your program and university choice, but most are expected to be sent off by the 15th January of the year you’re looking to start – with some art and design courses extending a later deadline (24th March).
Courses at Oxford or Cambridge (accompanying with courses in medicine, dentistry, veterinary or science) require students to submit their applications earlier – by the 15th of October (the year before your course starts).
Any applications submitted after the 30th of June will go into clearing.
How do I write a personal statement for a university?
It is vital to write a good personal statement if you want to be accepted into your chosen course.
Though there are no set rules for PS writing, there are a few things you should always cover. This will ensure that your passion and enthusiasm about the course you’re applying for is demonstrated and also sell yourself effectively.
Below is a list of what you should include:
- Reasons for studying. This requires being specific, whilst demonstrating enthusiasm. you need to justify why you’re interested in the course. Express what you like about the subject, how you develop an interest in it, and how it would benefit you towards accomplishing your long-term career goals.
- Why you’re qualified to study. Apart from wanting to do the course, you also have to fit the standards. This means that you’ve to explain why your skills and experience are suitable is vital. To impress, ensure that your research has been done and you are knowledgeable of what the course entails.
- How your current study is relevant. Although the subjects you’ve studied in the past May not be the same as your chosen university course, it doesn’t mean you haven’t learned the skills needed to advance into a different course. Use this fully while writing your personal statement.
- Your related hobbies and pursuits. Anything from associations and societies, to summer schools, gallery/museum visits, or online courses. Any extensive reading or research around your preferred subject could also be discussed here. Hobbies are an excellent way to prove that you’re a well-balanced person.
- Your skills and accomplishments. Admissions instructors are interested in you showing them your various important (and relevant) abilities and achievements and also how you got them. which means that it is important you provide them with examples – whether it’s attributing to how you developed your communication skills in club projects, or how you worked in an organisation.
- Your work expertise. Work experience prepares you a range of practical skills whether it’s full or part-time work, temporary placements, or internships. Review the parts that apply to your course and reveal how can get the career you want by studying at university.
How to make your personal statement stand out?
Your personal statement provides you with the perfect opportunity to stand out, even with university places in high competition.
So can I do it right? Here are a few tips:
Make it relevant – Don’t Forget: there’s a character limit. Don’t exhaust space on details that are not relevant to your chosen course and career trail.
Prove your uniqueness – through your personality, independent research, and examples.
Present them with a good balance of academic and extra-curricular credentials – you don’t have to add hobbies if you don’t have any.
Make it pleasant (whilst avoiding clichés) – words like ‘I am a born actor’ are not unique, and general clichés like this might risk quietly provoking the admissions tutor.
Think outside the box – let’s face it, no one wants to read through thousands of English students talk about how Shakespeare opened their eyes to poetry. Avoid the obvious, and think laterally.
Here is a Personal statement sample for university admission:
I’m applying for a degree in Linguistics because the courses included will help me to expand on what I have learned in school and college, and ultimately start a career in writing. I was particularly attracted to the course, language in the media – as well as language, society and power as an enthusiastic blogger with an interest in starting a career in the media.
Whether it’s listening to different dialects and expressions, learning the ways adverts use words to sell a product, or even just reading a book – language has many uses. I’ve always been interested in writing, reading, and analyzing language.
I think I would be able to put my skills to great use in this course, as a hardworking student with an ability to meet deadlines and produce work to a high standard. As I have a proficiency in language and a keen interest in learning more, this course would be a perfect fit.
I have built a strong knowledge base around it, studying the English Language at A level and GCSE. I have gained an intense interest in understanding words and meaning on a new level, as demonstrated in my various new assignments comprising language development and language change over time.
I’m an active blogger and have my website, where I post articles weekly – whether it’s reviewing new products or just talking about my life. I also helped out in writing a periodical newsletter at school, where I utilized my writing skills to keep students in with news and events.
My ability to work well in a team has been demonstrated in several group projects. I have developed my communication and skills and also learned how to negotiate and balance tasks. I’m also particularly proud of my creative writing ability, which has been shown and expanded on throughout several essays and assignments. I’m also much organized, with a high concentration on detail. Thanks for the audience. I look forward to your reply.
As an SoP writer, personal statement writer or Statement of purpose writing services in Nigeria, we can help you with the best statement of purpose that will make your application stand out from the rest – which almost guarantees admission.
How To Download a Sample Personal Statement Sample for Your University Admission.
Pay the sum of N5000 (Five thousand naira only) to the account detail below:
Bank: GTBank
Name: Oyewole Abidemi (I am putting my name and not our company account so you know I am real and you can trust me, and trace me)
Ac/No: 0238933625
Type: Saving
P.S: As a SoP writer or Statement of purpose writing services in Nigeria, we can also tailor the personal statement to fit your direct profile. Call/message +234 701 754 2853 or info@liveandwingit.com for inquiries.