Statement of Purpose for Business Management Sample

by Demi

Do you need a Statement of Purpose for Business Management at a foreign university in U.K, U.S or Canada and don’t know how to write an SOP?

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P.S – Contact Us Today (email, WhatsApp, call) +234 701 754 2853 or IF YOU NEED SOMEONE TO HELP YOU WRITE A GOOD SOP.

When writing a statement of purpose for business management, there are a few things you need to know. First, it is important to have good writing skills. Then, you need to have good reasons for completing the course. The committee will be reading through many different statements, so make sure you have a strong reason to follow the program.


The purpose of the statement is to make you stand out from the crowd and convince the admission committee that you are qualified to study business management. Hence, you should be able to present all your relevant information in a short but informative manner. The Admissions committee will go through your Statement of Purpose to determine if you are a good fit for the program. The statement should have an introductory paragraph and the details of your academic and professional background.

Ideally, the SOP should not exceed one page. Experts suggest that it should be between 500 and 1000 words. If it is more than this, it is better to reduce the text to two single-spaced pages, 12 point font. This is because admissions officers receive thousands of applications a year and may not have enough time to read through a lengthy essay.


Questions to ask yourself before writing

When writing a personal statement, there are some questions you should ask yourself. The first thing you must understand is that you will be selecting information and presenting it in a particular order. The way you choose the information you include can show your judgment. Make sure that you are choosing the information you are confident you can convey to the reader.

You should also ask yourself why you are in business and who are your customers. Your answers should reflect your ideals and values. In addition, it is important to think about what differentiates your company from your competitors. Your mission statement should be a reflection of that.

After you have answered these questions, you can now begin writing the statement. Remember to read the instructions carefully. You should begin each paragraph with the question that the statement of purpose asks. The statement of purpose should be a minimum of 500 words and should answer the question asked.

You should also include information that puts the rest of your application in context. This will make it easier to remember the details of the rest of your application. For instance, MBA programs require applicants to discuss their research interests. This means that the statement of purpose will have to talk about the research interests and long-term plans they have for their careers.

Moreover, your statement of purpose should tell the admission committee about you. Make sure that you distinguish yourself from other applicants by showcasing your unique story. The statement of purpose can be written for personal or professional reasons. If your goal is to gain professional or personal advancement, write the statement of purpose in your own words.

Your MBA statement of purpose should include a concise introduction to yourself, your goals, and your background. This should answer the questions that the admissions committee might have about you. The statement should also provide details about your academics, work experience, and your future goals.


I have come to see the whole concept of “running a business” as a big part of my purpose. Seeing the problems I set out to solve being addressed by the businesses I have set up makes me feel fulfilled. There is nothing else I would rather do. However, those words that echoed in my mind every night as a child never stopped echoing. My father made me a believer. Indeed, whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. For me, this means developing myself through and through in the area of business. A huge part of this is to get more educated in the area of business.

I strongly believe that a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree in Coventry University is the perfect degree in the perfect school for me. The world is far bigger than the world around me. The MBA program at Coventry Business School was developed to equip its students with the knowledge and skills to respond to the needs of the Modern world. This is achieved by helping students develop their critical thinking ability, and fostering an academic environment where students can learn to strategically seek solutions to complex problems.


As an SoP writer, personal statement writer or Statement of purpose writing services in Nigeria, we can help you with the best statement of purpose that will make your application stand out from the rest – which almost guarantees admission.

Call/message +234 701 754 2853 or for inquiries.

How To Download the Complete Sample Statement of Purpose For Business Management

Pay the sum of N5000 (Five thousand naira only) to the account detailed below:

Bank: GTBank Name: Oyewole Abidemi (I am putting my name and not our company account so you know I am real and you can trust me, and trace me)

Ac/No: 0238933625

Type: Saving

P.S: As a SoP writer or Statement of purpose writing services in Nigeria, we can also tailor the personal statement to fit your direct profile.

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